One Island East
Hong Kong, China
This urban design features three civic spaces converging at the base of a new seventy story office tower by Wong & Ouyang (HK) Ltd. Architects.

The two-hectare plaza exemplifies the design objective of elegant simplicity held by Swire Properties Limited for the thirty thousand office users and adjacent residents. Each of three great lawn panels subtly steps up to the tower podium by means of a unique geometry of water stairs and terraces, vegetated with tropical plants, from a lower level garden featuring placid water basins. The lawns are each planted with a signature native tree with distinguishing characteristics. From Victoria Bay the site steps up through a 230-meter-long promenade to the plaza and culminates at the tower’s podium base. The podium design incorporates a combination of kinetic light columns, music and an array of water jets placed within a dry basin. These elements are choreographed for different times of day and events. The result is an expressive mix of performance art that signifies the sophistication and forward look of One Island East.